We're so super-proud of our friend (and ideal travel companion) Stephanie, who created the new Richie Rich Celebutante CD. It's a compilation of Richie's favorite dance and party songs including Lily Allen's Take What You Take; Mya's Whatever Bitch and Scissor Sisters Filthy Gorgeous plus Richie's own Celebutante--a tune that will stick in your head for days (in a good way). We're always a sucker for a good compilation and this one is no exception. Put this on at midnight, when you're party's really starting to take off: It's an insta-DJ that will make your fete Legend-ary! Celebutante is available at Target.comand Amazon.com. Go buy it today!

One of the many benefits of being friends with Stephanie is that she invited us to the launch party for the CD last Thursday night at NYC's Citrine, a club that only officially opened a day later (and Samantha Ronson is DJing tonight!). The party was a blast. The DJ, Lina Bradford, nailed it. Richie performed Celebutante. And a dancing pig stole the show. That's Richie and friends, Andre J and a pal from Tokyo.

And our group of friends, Felissa, Susan, Elizabeth and JSG's Annie who are just a little less colorful.
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