A few weeks back, we had the chance to meet the totally adorable and ever-so-British Ben Skervin. He’s the genius behind Keira Knightley’s totally covetable hair on the November cover of Glamour. After a glass of champagne, Ben was willing so share his tips on fall to winter styles and dish a little about Keira’s hair. (Sadly we ran out of bubbly before we could get him to open up on her love life.)
According to Ben:
• Fall is a great time to make a change. Get a great haircut and ditch the dry ends.
• For winter, try a rich, dark color. Go three shades darker for a rich look. (JSG note: We’re totally inspired by Keira’s chestnut locks on the Glamour cover.)
• Cold winter air can be damaging. It makes hair brittle and can be hard to style. Use a conditioner. Ben likes Head & Shoulders Smooth & Silky, which is safe for the aforementioned colored hair.
• Wavy hair is a terrific look for this autumn and winter. I love steamrollers, which are gentler than an iron.

As for the dish on Keira—Ben says her hair was in fabulous shape in August thanks to the wigs she wore on The Duchess, Edge of Reason and Atonement. Her real hair was spared daily styling and is in better shape than ever. But you don’t have to tell us the benefits of not washing your hair.
And since, we’re mentioning Glamour, seems like a good time for JSG to brag a little: We’re psyched to be on the Sites We Love Blog roll on the Glamour Girls in the Beauty Department blog. Thanks, ladies! We heart you, too!
For more on Ben, read Beauty in Real Life's 5 Minutes, 5 Questions.
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