Since Halloween is about debauchery and fun, we thought we'd find those things our Jet Set Guy counterparts might be doing this Halloween. Here's a couple of options we came up with:

Las Vegas- The girls of the Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Club host a Halloween party at the Playboy Club at the Palms. While they're supposedly "dressing up" in costume, would that imply they're actually wearing clothes? If you catch up with us off line sometime, ask about our night at Spearmint Rhino. Really, everyone's got to go at least once...
For more Vegas ideas, check out the LA Times story, 10 Reasons to Ditch L.A. and go to Vegas for Halloween.
Though if you decide to stay put in LA- The Kandy Halloween Party at the Playboy Mansion costs a mere $1000 and includes body painted Kandy girls, 100 actors playing ghouls and goblins, playboy playmates, and (of course) a buffet.
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