Monday, April 11, 2011

A Peek Inside a Flirtexter's Carry On Bag

JSG has gotten in trouble a few times over a text message--for drunk texting boys we shouldn't, for slurring over a text message (Yes, it's possible. Don't ask how we know.), and most recently for not sending a text message to check in with the SO on our most recent girls' trip. So here's a book on our must-read list: Flirtexting: How to Text Your Way to His Heart. We suggest you study up on it too!

We checked in with co-author Debra Goldstein to see what she has in her carry on. Not surprisingly for the author of a book on flirting in the digital age, she's heavy on the technology:

My Lanvin Padova tote is super chic and the perfect size to throw all of my various forms of entertainment in. I hate being bored. My biggest fear is being stuck at the airport with nothing productive to do. That’s why I fill my carry-on with lots of different things that can keep me entertained if my flight gets delayed.

Deb keeps her iPod fully loaded. Here's a small sampling of what you'll find on it:

Kayne West
For music, I like Kings of Leon, Jazmine Sullivan, Kanye, Coldplay, T.I., M.I.A., Michael Jackson, Jay Z, Beyonce, Raphael Saadiq, Akon, U2, Adele, Usher, Citizen Cope.

Mitch Hedberg
Besides music, my favorite thing to listen to on my iPod when I travel is Mitch Hedberg. I’ve listened to his stand-up comedy routine’s hundreds of times and continue to laugh hysterically.

Rolling Stone Jon Stewart Stephen Colbert
Recently I’ve become a huge fan of political comedy. Right now I’m obsessed with the Colbert Report and the Daily Show with John Stewart. I always download their latest shows before going on a trip.

For movie’s, Forgetting Sarah Marshall is an underrated classic. Hawaii, humor, hot bodies. What more can you want from a comedy? I also like Transformers. I’m a big Shia Labeouf and Optimus Prime fan. What can I say?

When inspiration strikes I like to have my laptop around so that I can write about it. So if you are a hottie-bo-body and sit next to me on a plane, beware. I may be blogging about you as we fly.

My Blackberry 8830 is great for flirtexting, bbm’ing, e-mailing, facebooking, and making calls…and in that order.
I just started reading a book that came recommended to me called The Luxe by Anna Godberson. I was told it’s like a Gossip Girl set in the 1900’s in NYC. Very excited to delve in!

Cocoa Butter lip balm

Cocoa butter lip balm is by far my favorite beauty find of all time! It leaves your lips super- moisturized and with a glossy glow. I end up buying 20 at a time because whenever I let someone borrow mine they end up taking it. But I don’t mind since they only cost 99¢ at the drug store!

Tom Ford sunglasses

I’m a warm weather kinda girl. I try to travel to tropical places as much as possible. These Tom Ford's sunglasses are my favorite because they never seem to go out of style.

Check back next week, when we peek inside the carry on of Olivia
Baniuszewicz, the other half of Flirtexting: How to Text Your Way to His Heart.


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