As anyone who went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras earlier this week knows--the city is recovering, but still has a long way to go. That's why we love the Tonic's iPod Auction series to benefit Music Rising, a non-profit that supports the musical culture of the Gulf Coast. The group has partnered up with an impressive list of designers, rock stars, actors, supermodels and dignitaries to autograph an iPod and upload a personalized playlist. New iPods will be up for auction each week, now through August. A few of the many A-listers participating are: Marc Jacobs, Donna Karan, Madonna, the Edge, Scarlett Johansson, Ben Affleck, Bill Clinton and Warren Buffet.
Here's what's on Marc Jacob's Playlist. The auction on his iPod (shown above) ends next week and bidding is already past $300. Can't wait to see where it ends!:
- Poker Face (Lady Gaga)
- Circus (Britney Spears)
- Bounce (Timbaland)
- Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana)
- Borderline (Madonna)
- Goo (Sonic Youth)
- Tears Dry On Their Own (Amy Winehouse)
- Suzanne (Leonard Cohen)
- Kool Thing (Sonic Youth)
- No Scrubs (TLC)
- Big Pimpin (Jay Z)
- Fell In Love With A Girl (White Stripes)
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