If the movie Australia with all its sweeping views of the Outback and ripped, sweaty, rugged men made you want to move Down Under, you're in luck. Australia and the US have a new "work and holiday agreement" for folks 18-30. What this means for you is that you can stay down under for up to a year and even work -- legally -- for four months.
Annie was all set to pack her bags and move for good after she visited a few years back. Sydney is a mix of all the best parts of a few US cities. It has New York's culture and shopping, San Francisco respect of nature and to die for Asian cuisine and LA's proximity to beaches and other outdoor sports. Not to mention some of the coolest mates a girl could ever hope to meet. Alas, this program wasn't in place and her schedule doesn't allow for a year away from NYC. But you should take advantage of the program and tell us all about it!
For more info, check out the MySydney page on MySpace.com.
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