Not done with your holiday shopping? Not to worry, we still have one last elusive gift for our SO that we’ve been trying to hunt down (We can’t say what it is here, since he’s an avid JSG reader). We’ll be bringing you a few last minute, easy-to-find gifts, starting with what we got our pops last year (Dad is another avid JSG reader. Love you, Dad!). The men on our list are always the hardest to buy for—chances are you feel that way, too. Unlike our girlfriends, they aren’t excited by a killer makeup palette, flirty hat or darling sleep mask. Our dad in particular is a challenge—he’s reached an age where he already owns or can pretty much buy anything he wants for himself and we’ve come close to exhausting all our gift options in the past few years (DVD player, subscription to Netflix, iPod, iPod speakers, cookbooks, bestsellers) . Last year, we’re ashamed to admit, we procrastinated until the 24th to buy his present. When faced with the option of standing in line at a store at the mall for 5 hours and another lame-ish gift, inspiration hit us: a year-long lottery ticket. Dad had bought himself one the year before and all we had to do was pop in to the nearest Seven Eleven where we could buy ourselves a Slurpee to boot.
Ironically, dad seemed to like the lottery ticket better than any gift we had ever given him. We guess there’s something to giving someone a gift they actually like over what you think they should like. Unfortunately, the ticket wasn’t a big winner, but for a year, it was a gift that could have kept on giving!
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