*Mario Badescu Facial Spray for a refreshing, hydrating boost!
*Travel-Size Aquaphor: It doubles as lip balm and moisturizer. A must in these liquid-deprived days.
* Snacks like almonds, apples, and maybe some Peanut M&M’s.

* iPod: Goes without saying, but if you’re a nervous flier or want to sleep, make a special playlist of mellow music for the flight. Josh Groban's Closer makes me sleep like a baby without fail!

*Xanax or other sedative of choice. It makes everything about the flight more bearable, from being number 13 in line for take off, to the crying tot behind you who won’t stop kicking your seat, to watching some lame movie like Nim's Island.
*And our travel bag of choice has been a Lululemon bag for a few years now, similar to the one pictured above. It's roomy, sturdy (so you don't mind putting under the seat in front of you or cramming it in the overhead) and has lots of pockets. It's also big enough to fit a lap top so that you can blog on the road!
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