Unlike that other movie everyone is talking about this summer, Mamma Mia was filmed on location on an actual Greek Island. Was it Myknonos? Santorini? Rhodes? No. No. And no. The NYPost's Michael Riedel helpfully told us today that it was filmed on the before unheard of island of Skopelos. The island is so small, it doesn't even have an airport! They aren't shy about promoting their connection with the flick--the website has directions to the beach, church and house of Meryl Streep.
We haven't seen the film yet, which opens on July 18, but our friend Samara Finn was lucky enough to go to a screening. Her review:
As expected since it’s a musical, it was a bit funny when one second the actors are acting and then suddenly they break into singing and dancing. But, when they did sing and dance, I wished I could have gotten up to join. Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan were really good in the movie. couldn’t take my eyes of Pierce and his signing was quite enjoyable.
I totally left wanting to go to Greece. It looked SOOOOO beautiful.
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