Just when you are getting restless on a long flight from being cooped up in your seat for so long, rub a dab of The Peace of Mind On-the-spot-relief on your temples, or back of your neck. It is instantly absorbed by your skin and you start to feel the refreshing and cooling effects immediately. I was surprised by how calming the minty fragrance and sensation was and how much it helped me relax almost as good as a martini. I’ve tried similar lavender based products before, but the effects of Origins Peace of Mind was stronger than the effects of lavender on me. Pop a mint in your mouth for a little extra freshness—also good when there’s a hot guy next to you in 14D. Then settle in and relax so that you land at your faraway destination looking as calm cool and collected as ever!
With the holidays coming up, this would also make for a great stocking stuffer for someone who is planning a trip or is notorious stressor.
Available at
Origins stores, $12.50.
Written by Ritu AshrafiThis review was based on a free sample.
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