We’re headed to New Orleans for Tales of the Cocktail today—essentially a conference on cocktails. We’re not entirely sure what to expect when we get there, but every single person we’ve told who knows about it says, “It’s SOOOO much fun!” Cocktails and New Orleans, how could it not be? On top of which, we never need an excuse to go to our favorite city, shown in W's April '08 issue, above.
The event started on Wednesday, but we’re hitting the ground running. An hour after we land, our first event is the “World’s Longest Bar Crawl,” a virtual tour of bars around the globe, “showing you the greatest bars and the spiritual homes of the greatest drinks in history.” We hope that the Old King Cole bar in New York where the Bloody Mary was invented makes the list!
Other highlights of the weekend include a lesson on The Great Bourbon Street Burlesque Clubs, Absinthe and St. Germain cocktail tastings. (Not a the same time. We hope.) Our Saturday night winds down with Seven Deadly Sins, cocktails inspired by lust, gluttony, greed and friends.
Check back in to see how we’re doing. We can’t promise frequent updates, our instincts tell us we may be a wee bit tipsy for the majority of the weekend, but we’ll do our best to take lots of photos.
Here’s hoping our own tips for avoiding a hangover really work!
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