Here’s a great idea for anyone in need of a gift. We recently got one at a bridal shower and love their many functions and the overall message! Everyone was excited because they all got a different bag that matched their taste. They can be good for anything from bringing home groceries to giving dad a father’s day gift to toting your goodies to the beach on a girls’ vacation.
Envirosax are eco-friendly, adorable bags that fold up to a palm-size bundle but can carry a load. You can choose from a number of styles or you can customize your own bag to whatever you’d like it to say! They come in different sizes and fabrics (cotton, bamboo, polyester, linen, hemp). They even offer a wine bag! Invite your friends over, have a drink, and save the environment! Plus, Envirosax donates a percentage of its sales to charities and non-profit organizations that benefit the environment. Prices range from $7.95 to $37.95 for a pouch of 5.

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