Here's what Olivia has in her carry on, thanks for sharing!
Olivia’s Carry-On

Here’s what my carry on actually looks like. I use T. Anthony’s Classic Duffle in Blue/Burgundy. It was a Christmas present in High School. I always thought it was so chic and timeless. I even decided to forgo an actual backpack when “backpacking” in Europe in college. I packed 2 weeks worth of clothes in my duffle and made backpacking easy and breezy.
My Must-Have Beauty Items
By Terry Lip Gloss- Its moisturizing gloss with SPF.
Moisturizer- Mistral Hand Crème
Natura Bisse Moisturizer-I always put some on before landing. The plane air sucks the moisture out of your skin and prior to landing I like to bring it back to life.
I have an eclectic taste in music. Jams on my iPod:
T.I. Paper Trails, Dinah Washington, Adele, Lady Gaga, Lil Wayne, Santinogold, Michael Jackson Dirty Diana, Stevie Wonder.

I always travel with my striped cashmere YaYa scarf. It can be a scarf or a wrap. Love its versatility. It’s key to traveling light and smart.

Magazines: I’ve never been much of a movie watcher on the plane. I use it as an excuse to catch up on my magazines. I always stock up prior to boarding on: Bazaar, Teen Vogue (best fashion layouts), The New Yorker, Travel (it's an excuse to daydream about more places you want to explore), Men’s Health (bc I always wanna know what the boys are thinking).
Always have my Dell Laptop with me to write. Traveling is so inspiring to a writer. It’s also a great escape excuse to turn off emails/phones and clear our minds a bit. I can get some great writing done in the air.
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