Washington is a city known for transplants. It's rare to meet someone in the city or the burbs that grew up and still lives here; but this week is one for the records. There are so many people here from all over the country and the world. See the crowd from Sunday's Inaugural concert? The city is jammed with energy, celebrity and enthusiasm. While we pride ourselves in being well traveled and thoughtful, the Inauguration ceremony snuck up on us. That's why we were so relieved to find the
Washington Post's Inauguration Survival Guide. Check here to find which Metro stops are open (most around the Mall are exit only in the a.m.), what time the ceremony starts (that would be 11:30), where the jumbo-trons are located on the Mall (because if you don't have a ticket tonight, you're not getting close enough to see the new President Obama), where the
porto potties are stationed, when the parade starts (2:30) and much more. Print out a map like the one below with all the details, dress warmly, and take a deep breath. It's going to be an exciting day!

Pictures and Map
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