The exhibit is housed in a white spaceship looking thing. We were most impressed by the amazingly friendly, Chanel-dressed staff. Our friend Stephanie says she thinks we're so used to fashion publicist being rude that we're shocked when someone guarding a velvet rope is friendly.
Unfortunately, you're not allowed to take any photos of the exhibit, but we do have these from the Tokyo Mobile Art exhibit from the free magazine they give you at the end.
When you enter the spaceship, the friendly docents give you an audio device. The narration is by Jeanne Moreau, who sounds like a sexy, French witch. She tells you to turn left, right, sit down and go upstairs while narrating the exhibit. This photo is from the first room. The Chanel rose mosaic is even more beautiful in color.

This installation made us crack up. That's a naked woman chasing after the 2.55 Chanel bag. It's projected on the inside of a packing box. In another scene, another naked woman hits her on the head with the handbag.

We also loved this room, where you peeked into crates to see this giant leather teddy bear and swings using Chanel chains. What you can't see in this shot is the TV that was showing a video of a dominatrix doing naughty things with the bear.

All in all, it was a magical, other-worldy experience. We ordered our tickets on line in advance. Standby tickets are still available on a daily basis or you can catch it in London, Paris or Moscow.
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