Maybe you over did it the night before and need a little something to get the girls all revved up or maybe you’ve got a touch of jet lag after a long flight.
Whatever the reason, the songs on this playlist will have you and your girls back in the groove in no time. (It’s also not bad if you’re going for a run.)
La Vie en Rose - Belinda Carlisle
Who knew our fave GoGo could speak French? She does a heck of a job singing en francais on this remake of the Edith Piaf classic. (BTW—if you haven’t rented the recent movie of the same name about Edith’s tragic life, put it on your Netflix list NOW)
Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves
An oldie but a goodie. It’s hard to argue with.
Candyman - Christina Aguilera
Pending motherhood must have changed our favorite Drrty Girl. This ditty will have you tapping your toes. Catch the video if you can where Christina sings as a blonde with a brunette and redhead version of herself (that’s some guy out there fantasy come true).
The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song - The Flaming Lips
We loved it before it was in Little Miss Sunshine, but the fact that it was is reason enough to add it to the list.
The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
We owe Drew Barrymore for this pick. We first heard it on her celeb playlist on iTunes—a fab place to hear new music and connect with your favorite star.
For Once in My Life - Stevie Wonder
The song that made Ari Gold happy on Entourage when he was fired at the end of season 2. If it could make cranky Ari dance at his low point, it can make us happy anytime.
Upside Down (remix) - Jack Johnson
A seriously uplifting song off the all-Jack Johnson Curious George soundtrack. We won’t say which one of us, but one member of the JSG team had a stuffed Curious George growing up (and still does).
New Shoes - Paolo Nutini
A 20-year old adorable Scottish boy singing about how his new shoes “Make everything all right”? Good Lord, we think we’re in love!
Love Generation - Bob Sinclair
A killer beat and lyrics about peace, love and rainbows makes us want to be part of the Love Generation, too. If only we could whistle.
Tonight I Have to Leave It - Shout Out Louds
We fell in love with this song at the Carolina Herrera Spring ’08 fashion show. WARNING: It will stick in your head!
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