Saturday, January 9, 2010

Product Review: Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure

On a quick trip through CVS, we couldn't help but pick up a bottle of Sally Hansen's latest nail polish, Complete Salon Manicure (Plum Luck is pictured above).  The $8.00 price tag was hefty; but considering it's designed to combine base coat,  strengthener, growth treatment, color and top coat, we thought it was worth the gamble.

While the bottle is salon-worthy chic and the flat brush is interesting; the nail polish didn't live up to  a true all in one.  Unfortunately after the two recommended coats the color wasn't thick enough and the shine wasn't as bright as we like (for non-matte colors that is).  For the best result we'd consider a third coat of polish and definitely a separate shiny top coat.

We'll stick to our Tracy Reese for Sally Hansen color only polishes like Opulent Cloud that Anne wore for her wedding.


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