Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cute Workout Clothes Alert!

Alas, the holidays are over, and we’re focusing on our warm weather getaways. If, like us, you’ve come to the realization that your skinny jeans don’t have as much stretch in them as you once thought, you’re now frantically hitting the gym in an effort to erase the memories of those peppermint brownies.

Make those early morning workouts a little more bearable with cute workout clothes. We’re digging the affordable Activewear line from Old Navy, on-sale now through the 21st of January. With prices like $12 for yoga pants and sport bras, graphic tees for $10 and jackets ranging from $15-$20, you can feel cute while working towards your bikini bod again without spending a fortune. Pick a couple different colors, styles and patterns, so you can mix and match your way back into this fab bikini by Brazilian designer Agua de Coco.


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